Shepherd’s Corner: “F” Balance …with Pastor Torrian Scott

Guest contributing writer:

Senior Pastor Torrian Scott —Harvest International Church- Brea, California

“F” Balance. Well that caught your attention didn’t it? My name is Torrian Scott. I am a husband, father, pastor, executive coach, entrepreneur, author, and speaker. Though my profession and vocation lead me into various atmospheres and places across the nation.  I have been happily married to my Jamaican Sensation wife of 9 years and have 3 little jamericans 3,5, and 7 years old. We have a family to raise, ministries to build, businesses to run, people to impact, and a world to change. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming attempting to find “balance”. But I discovered a way that you could “F” Balance (which means “Forget” by the way, just used it for shock value. It worked.) and live in complete “harmony”.
I remember sitting with my friend Evan Money (yes that is his real name) and him giving me a phrase that truly shattered my idea of what makes life work while raising a family, maximizing all your gifts, and taking advantage of all worthy opportunities presented. He himself is a husband, father, entrepreneur, film producer, speaker, and coach so he knows a little bit about making it all come together. His words pierced me to the core and I never forgot them, “Torrian, there is no such thing as balance, there is only harmony! ” As we talked it became clear to me that I had approached my life, career, and aspirations all wrong. I wanted them to work in linear fashion allowing me to do everything without causing disruption in anything I was juggling.

Balance is a Lie!
If truth be told there really is no such thing as balance. Balance says, everything is
proportionate when it is necessary and right when I need it so nothing falls. But you can attest, as a recent graduate that when you are focused on finishing school, social life and even relationships take the back burner. So balance is a fallacy. It demands that everything is equally distributed when it really needs to be. So forget balance, and begin pursuing harmony.
Harmony is most beneficial when people grasp the concept and make a commitment to it. Think of it, if you’ve ever been to the Philharmonic or some sort of Orchestra, you’ll recognize that there are instruments, which left to themselves, are VERY obnoxious (tuba, drums, symbols). However, when you put them all together, the difference of sounds and intensity of tones mesh together allowing them to make a symphonic pleasurable experience to those who hear it. That is what the leader should strive for, Harmony of various things (family, fitness, finances, frame, etc) all working together to be a symphonic expression of a life well lived!
Here are 5 keys to creating harmony in your life:
1. Forget Balance: Stop trying to manipulate the outcomes and how they affect the
other things in your life.
2. Have REAL Conversations: In each of our business ventures, my wife and I
would map out the times when we knew we would be spending a little more time than usual to the launch of certain things. The same is true for you. Have meaningful conversations with those you love or lead about your commitment to launch certain things and the time frame it will take to get the desired results.
3. Plan, Implement, Evaluate, Adjust, Repeat: Plan your days, meetings around getting your priorities done in a considerable amount of time. Implement strategies for success, such as employing your assistant or team to help get
lesser priorities done.

4. Evaluate: Inspect what you expect of yourself, your team, your systems for the success you desire.

5. Adjust: Make the course corrections necessary if you feel that things are not going as planned. Implement new ideas, strategies, and systems for growth. Repeat: Follow the flow again, until you have worked out the kinks, and everything is working as it should as a well oiled machine.

Remember, there is no balance. You’ll find yourself grinding differently in each area of your life. So give yourself some slack, and find the harmony in life.

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